Commonly confused with the Middle-Eastern country formerly known as Mesopotamia, a RAQ is a Recently Asked Question.
We are everywhere. But mostly in an office building in Santa Monica, California. Oh, and Cleveland and Modesto.
They have our phone number and can call us anytime. So far that is, never. We don't have their number. But we hear they are really nice.
Mike was found while searching for writers on the web. Joe and Woody did a successful series spoof that they posted on the web while at Boston College. Someone recommended Jaime when we needed an experienced producer. Andrew got hired to do paperwork but we found out he could write, shoot and act. Danila said she would come work here even though she had a real career at a real place you have heard of before. We liked Cory's music when we saw it on YouTube so we called him. Paul wrote and produced 7 Minute Sopranos with Joe. We liked it. Stacee and Chuck, we knew them for awhile and they said yes when we asked them to build a website and keep it going.
We produce all our own stuff when we absolutely have to. Which is always.
We were going to rip off "Joey" but we decided to rip off a successful show.
Not unless we specifically ask for them. We plan on it, though. Check back later.
We feel it’d be selling ourselves short to work on a super-successful television series. Small doses of mildly amusing Internet content is our game.
Well, it means something different to all of us, really, much akin to the feeling of love. But it originally was just a derivative of “Home Box Office”.
I’m not sure, but if I had to guess, somewhere along the line somebody made a terrible mistake.
Spread the word of Runaway Box to everybody you know! Leave lots of comments, questions, suggestions… As we can gather a large enough audience we will be telling creative people how to get involved.
Our Magic 8-Ball says: “Signs point to yes.”
It already has, haven’t you seen “The Office”?
Magic 8-Ball says: “Reply hazy, try again.”
We have an equal opportunity policy for all words here at Runaway Box.
Because anything longer and you guys would lose interest and go watch a video of raccoons getting hit in the balls to the tune of the Macarena or something.