
Huge Lightning Bolt Strikes Plane

Huge Lightning Bolt Strikes Plane

Apr. 21, 2010
Planes are struck by bolts of lightning usually a few times per year, but that doesn't make it any less frightening when you see it from the ground.
Submitted by:  EddieAdams
Sniper Rifle Recoil Breaks Eye Socket

Sniper Rifle Recoil Breaks Eye Socket

Apr. 21, 2010
The dreaded rifle recoil claims another victim. That's the only headshot he's going to score today.
Submitted by:  darkfakers
Little Bicycle Drifting Master

Little Bicycle Drifting Master

Apr. 21, 2010
I think this is a special sneak peek from the upcoming blockbuster film 'Fast and The Furious: Training Wheel Drift'.
Submitted by:  one_roadie
Flip Flop Fail

Flip Flop Fail

Apr. 21, 2010
This poor kid struggles for a minute trying to put on his flip-flops after a long day partying in the park.
Submitted by:  biocrazy1
Runaway Saw Blade

Runaway Saw Blade

Apr. 21, 2010
This laborer forgest to lock his 20 inch diamond tipped saw blade as he starts up his machine and ends up sending the blade screaming into some dude's house.
Submitted by:  bigband
Traffic Dodge Fail

Traffic Dodge Fail

Apr. 20, 2010
This dude was doing a good job dodging cars in the middle of a busy street up until that last one.
Submitted by:  boomerang75
Coolest Biker Ever Riding Sideways

Coolest Biker Ever Riding Sideways

Apr. 20, 2010
No hands, no fear, no problem.
Submitted by:  BobZamuda
Soccer Goalie Shin Shattered by Kick

Soccer Goalie Shin Shattered by Kick

Apr. 20, 2010
Is it just me, or does each soccer injury get harder to watch instead of easier to watch?
Submitted by:  YouNeedPOWAH
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