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VideosYour Top Five List
A couple sits down and talks about who is on their Top 5 free pass cheat list. I only have four names on my list, might be a good time to update it. Who is on your list? Submitted by:
gofortwo Hamster Takes Buddy For A Ride
This evil little hamster could care less that his buddy can't get off the wheel. Submitted by:
bigband Dog Hates Song
This dog will calmly listen to this chick sing away but as soon as she starts singin 'Happy Birthday' its game over and the dog goes insane. Submitted by:
billydakid1975a Long Fall Off Ladder
This clumsy dude is reaching to the top of the roof when he loses his grip and comes on down with a big thud. Submitted by:
aberdean Earthquake Creates Huge Waves In Pool
Only Mother Nature herself could create a wave pool this epic. Submitted by:
mrwangers Tags: california earthquake Funny Gunshot Special Effect Fail
Here's a kid's second attempt a homemade squib, the term used for those bloody gunshot wound effects you see in movies. He ain't cut out to be an action hero. Submitted by:
0hLawdy Picture Of The Day: The Underpants Sleeper
Call pro wrestling fake if you want to, but you don't have to suspend disbelief to believe that this crotch sleeper is painful to endure.... psychologically. Submitted by: Staff ChannelsEpic FailsMagician Fails His Fake FallKid Slips Off Roof And Crashes To The Pave...TV Host Faceplants on Dirt RampDude Gets Stuck In Embarrassing DunkGame TrailersDead Space 2: Dementia Debut TrailerRussian Police Playing Counterstrike While...Halo Reach Extended Live Action TrailerRed Dead Redemption TV Spot |
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