Loud Stereo Makes Can Float and Spin
Video Details
Uploaded Apr. 27, 2010
By: treossi
Views: 174,169
Genre: | Auto Videos |
Tags: | can trick, car stereo, loud speakers, magic trick, optical illusion, red bull, stereo speaker |
Top Rated Comments
Dannyboy1234567890 says:

Give this comment a thumbs up if you think these idiots have small reproductive organs.

knee_strike says:

With the right speaker and a good subwoofer, you can create crappy ghetto noise pollution.

wgbreakfan09 says:
ThePaulPheonix says:

This video would be better if it ended with another car smashing into this tool.

myballsur4head says:

This is the reason why people like "Soulja Boy" and all of these other idiots even made it in music, you don't even need to make good lyrics anymore, just something with loud bass to drone out the retarded attempt at music making.